The Tao Te Ching Simplified
We unify Taoism with the True Nature of Socrates and the metaphyics of Hinduism to make them consistent with each other. This series reorganizes the chapters according to topic
Part 13: Chapters 53-55, 57, 81
Wealth →
Part 14: Chapters 29, 17-20
Society →
Part 15: Chapters 57-61
Federal States →
Part 17: Chapter 49, 64-66
Requirements for Philosophers and Philosopher-Kings →
Part 16: Chapters 75-77
Taonomics →
Part 19: Chapters 70-74
Knowledge, Laws, and Justice →
Part 18: Chapters 67-69, 30-31
Virtues in Adversity: Patience, Frugality, Humility →