Superphysics Superphysics
Part 3

A Royal Family Can Found A Dynasty That Can Dispense With Group Feeling

by Ibn Khaldun Icon
3 minutes  • 592 words
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This is because the group feeling in which a member of a royal family shares may have much power over nations and races.

  • The inhabitants of remote regions who support his power may be obedient to that family.

So, when such a person secedes, leaving the seat of his rule and the home of his might, and joins those inhabitants of remote regions, they adopt him.

They support his rule and help him.

They take care of establishing his dynasty on a firm basis. They hope that he will be confirmed in his family rights and take the power away from his kinsmen.

They do not desire to share in any way in his rule, as they subject themselves to his group feeling and submit to the coloring of material superiority firmly belonging to him and his people.

They believe, as in an article of faith, in being obedient to him and his people.

Were they to desire to share his rule with him or to rule without him, “the earth would be shaken.”

That is what happened to the Idrisids in Morocco and the ‘Ubaydid(-Fatimids) in Ifriqiyah and Egypt. Abu Talib’s descendants had left the East and removed themselves from the seat of the caliphate, to go to remote regions of the Muslim realm.

They aspired to deprive the ‘Abbasids of the caliphate whose coloring had (throughout the years) firmly established itself in the descendants of ‘Abd-Manaf, first among the Umayyads and then among the Hashimites (‘Abbasids). They seceded (from the ruling ‘Abbasid dynasty) in the western part of Islam and made propaganda for themselves.

The Berbers supported their rule time after time. The Awrabah and Maghilah (supported) the Idrisids, and the Kutamah, the Sinhajah, and the Hawwarah (supported) the ‘Ubaydid(-Fatimids). These (Berber tribes) cemented the dynasties of (the Idrisids and ‘Ubaydids) and firmly established their rule through the group support they gave them.

They detached the whole Maghrib and then Ifriqiyah from the realm of the ‘Abbasids. The influence of the ‘Abbasid dynasty grew steadily smaller and that of the ‘Ubaydid (-Fatimids) larger.

Eventually, the latter took Egypt, Syria, and the Hijiz, and shared the Muslim empire half and half with the ‘Abbasids. Nonetheless, the Berbers who supported the dynasty submitted their own affairs to the ‘Ubaydid(-Fatimids) and obeyed their rule.

They merely vied for positions under them. They subjected themselves to the royal authority that had become the established coloring of the Hashimites (the family of Muhammad, the ‘AlidFatimids as well as the ‘Abbasids), and to the superiority over all nations of the Quraysh and the Mudar.

Royal authority, therefore, remained with their descendants down to (the time of) the complete destruction of Arab rule.

4. Large, Powerful Dynasties Have Their Origin In Religion Based On Prophecy Or Truthful Propaganda.

This is because royal authority results from superiority. Superiority results from group feeling.

Only by God’s help in establishing His religion do individual desires come together in agreement to press their claims, and hearts become united.

If you had expended all the treasures on earth, you would have achieved no unity among them."

The secret of this is that when the hearts succumb to false desires and are inclined toward the world, mutual jealousy and widespread differences arise.

But when they are turned toward the truth and reject the world and whatever is false, and advance toward God, they become one in their outlook.

Jealousy disappears. There are few differences. Mutual cooperation and support flourish.

As a result, the extent of the state widens, and the dynasty grows.

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