Superphysics Superphysics
Part 1

Homeopathy Verus Allopathic Medicine

by Samuel Hahnemann
6 minutes  • 1069 words

When faithfully followed, the Homoeopathic healing art that I teach will show its natural superiority over any allopathic treatment in a very decided and striking manner.

This is not only in those diseases which suddenly attack men (the acute diseases), but also in epidemic diseases and in sporadic fevers.

Venereal diseases also have been radically healed by Homoeopathy much more surely, with less trouble and without any sequelae.

  • It heals the internal fundamental disease from within only, through the best specific remedy, without disturbing nor destroying the local manifestation.

But there are more chronic diseases than remedies.

Treatment by allopathic physicians has merely increased the distress from this kind of disease.

It consisted of many nauseous mixtures compounded by the druggist from violently-acting medicines in large doses, of whose separate true effects they were ignorant.

These medicinal torments are:

  • manifold baths
  • the sudorific and salivating remedies
  • the pain-killing narcotics
  • the injections, fomentations, fumigations
  • the blistering plasters
  • the exutories and fontanels
  • especially the:
    • everlasting laxatives
    • leeches
    • cuppings
    • starving treatments
  • etc

These are continually varied like the fashions. By these means, the disease is either:

  • aggravated or
    • Here. the vital force becomes more and more diminished.
  • changed.
    • The medicine creates a new disease far worse and more incurable than the original natural one

The physician consoles the patient:

“I was able to remove the former sickness. But it is a great pity that a new disease has appeared. But I hope to be as successful in removing it as the previous one.”

And so, the same disease assumed various forms. New diseases were being added by the use of improper, injurious medicines.

The sufferings of the patient were continually aggravated until his pitiable lamentations were hushed forever with his death. His relatives were soothed with the comforting pretense:

“Everything imaginable had been used and applied in the case of the deceased.”

It is not so with Homoeopathy, the great gift of God!

By following my teachings, homeopaths have accomplished far more than all the afore-mentioned methods of curing even in other kinds of chronic diseases.

They succeed when the patient is not too much run down and spoiled by allopathic treatment.

Using the more natural treatment, Homoeopathic physicians are able in a short time to remove the chronic disease, after examining it according to all the symptoms perceptible to the senses.

The means of cure were the most suitable among the Homoeopathic remedies, used in their smallest doses which had been so far proved as to their pure, true effects.

All this was done without robbing the patient of his fluids and strength, as is done by the allopathy of the common physicians; so that the patient, fully healed, could again enjoy gladsome days. These cures indeed have far excelled all that allopathists had ever - in rare cases - been able to effect by a lucky grab into their medicine chests.

The complaints yielded for the most part to very small doses of that remedy which had proved its ability to produce the same series of morbid symptoms in the healthy body.

If the disease was not too inveterate and had not been too much and in too great a degree mismanaged by allopathy, it often yielded for a considerable time.

And so mankind had good reason to deem itself fortunate even for that much help, and, indeed, it often proclaimed its thankfulness.

A patient thus treated might and often did consider himself in pretty good health, when he fairly judged of his present improved state and compared it with his far more painful condition before Homoeopathy had afforded him its help.*

  • Of this kind were the cures of diseases caused by a psora not yet fully developed, which had been treated by my followers with remedies which did not belong to the number of those which, against a new disease, and this would again be attended by pretty good success, which for the time would again bring the patient into a better state.

In the former case, however, in which merely the troubles which seemed to have been removed were renewed, the remedy which had been serviceable the first time would prove less useful, and when repeated again it would help still less.

Then perhaps, even under the operation of the Homoeopathic remedy which seemed best adapted, and even where the mode of living had been quite correct, new symptoms of disease would be added which could be removed only inadequately and imperfectly; yea, these new symptoms were at times not at all improved, especially when some of the obstacles above mentioned hindered the recovery.

Even some gross errors of diet, taking cold, the appearance of weather especially rough, wet and cold or stormy, or even the approach of autumn, if ever so mild, but, more yet, winter and a wintry spring, and then some violent exertion of the body or mind, but particularly some shock to the health caused by some severe external injury, or a very sad event that bowed down the soul, repeated fright, great grief, sorrow and continuous vexation, often caused in a weakened body the re-appearance of one or more of the ailments which seemed to have been already overcome; and this new condition was often aggravated by some quite new concomitants, which if not more threatening than the former ones which had been removed homoeopathically were often just as troublesome and now more obstinate.

This would be especially the case whenever the seemingly cured disease had for its foundation a psora which had been more fully developed. When such a relapse would take place the Homoeopathic physician would give the remedy most fitting among the medicines then known, as if directed later, proved to be the chief auti-psora remedies; because these remedies were not yet known.

They had been merely treated with such medicines as Homoeopathically best covered and temporarily removed the then apparent moderate symptoms, thus causing a kind of a cure which brought back the manifest psora into a latent condition and thus produced a kind of healthy condition, especially with young, vigorous persons, such as would appear as real health to every observer who did not examine accurately; and this state often lasted for many years. But with chronic diseases caused by a psora already fully developed, the medicines which were then known never sufficed for a complete cure, any more than these same medicines suffice at the present time.

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