Superphysics Superphysics

Philosophical Definitions

Defintion of Beginning and Cause
Part 1 and 2
Defintion of Beginning and Cause →
Defintion of Element, Nature, and Necessary
Parts 3-5
Defintion of Element, Nature, and Necessary →
Defining One and Many
Parts 6 of Book 5
Defining One and Many →
Defining Being and Substance
Parts 7
Defining Being and Substance →
Defining Same and Contrary
Parts 9-10
Defining Same and Contrary →
Defining Prior and Posterior
Parts 11
Defining Prior and Posterior →
Defining Potency
Part 12
Defining Potency →
Defining Quantum and Quality
Part 12
Defining Quantum and Quality →
Defining Relative
Part 15
Defining Relative →
Defining Complete, Limit, Disposition
Part 16
Defining Complete, Limit, Disposition →
Defining Having, Affection, Privation
Part 16
Defining Having, Affection, Privation →
Defining Part and Whole
Part 25
Defining Part and Whole →